Sunday, December 9, 2007

mum is alwasy going to be against dad... yeah dad rang me onthursday then again on friday... i was like RANDOM. anyhoo, just spentthe last 4 hours talking to betsy and sipping green tea has like 8 orsomething... im sooo not tanned anymore... i got the photos developedoff my camera and mahn im dark aye.. i love it. but now pimple are likeSO OUT THERE hahaa... good... juanitas like i dont see it happening i have to call youlalalalaaa and im like look ive head it before... im too young, they dont wana hurt me... lalalalaaa... whatever. hahahah anyhoo, im expecting a phone call soon... but seriously like hes one of those guysyou actually wanna be with sorta thing.. as in the right type of guys...but whatevers meant to be is going to be. yeah dad said he was bored and had a bad concious and hashishff... oi i was just thinking... like you knowhow people are soo into their work and hashishff... its like how can you let that rule your life?? i would soo rather have a job where i spend more time with my famile and self and get less money than have heaps of money and stress and all that.. anyways, im off to bed. chapel tomorrow

dont worry bout alistair. i know what you saying chantay, but you kno he is very old (and fat, jokes, jokes), but maybe he just came into yoru lifeso you got a glimpse of what could eb adn what you want. and u know hesgot qualistairties that you want in a man, so you set taht standard and dontwant anything less. dont think too much of it ay. your young. we got so many more men coming our way girl. and yeah, bout fred?? hmm......i think about him everyday, but notobsessively and not too long. just a litle i think of his mile and his face and how we use to look at each other or whatever,corny hashishff. but then i think ' we only ever saw each other basically intoxicated at a club so putting it in black and white, it was nothing.and it really is nothing. nothing will come out of it and i know he wont matter to me at all soon. once i write it down in my diary, the whole story and how i felt, jsut let it all out, tis over. even if he wanted me now, i know i couldnt take him. no way hosay.

i would rather be a toilet cleaner and have nothing but bestmemories. honestly, told u bout brianna mccrakers that girl whom we stayedwith at noosa and how she lost her husband and now has two kids.shes got a very nice house and works at some centre, but shes like itsall about having just enough to get by and be happy coz tomorrow canbring sorrows or may never come. and its true. why have some hot shotcareer, as long as you have food on the table and a roof over your head,even if you dont own that roof, you need to be happy and content. Never forget that. live life man. woke up this morning to marcello and nick screaming, coz they had walked into my house, marcello stole my smokes and was carrying tem all in his hand, broke them all, nick was like felicity felicity. neways, mikey came over and we talked for hours until lunch and it was good. like we just chatted about life and about women and about all these beautiful things. My point is – be happy and enjoy the simple things.

mahn, im talking heaps... why cant be just have a video satelitle so wecan look and chat to each other- anyways. i bought this spa formula hairremostal cream for my "upper lip" and it didn;t even work. what a waste of money. do you want me to send it to you?? your hairs are better than mine. how is your moustache doing ? hahahaaaa. well i just spoke to rachie and shes got mumps but she's all good. oh my gosh mahn! guess who rang me today? dickita! like seirously! and shes like oh i cantsleep and i just got back from maximillions (this is 10 my time- yeah right like its even open them) and she was just talistairng to me abouthashishff... and then we "chatted" through email. totally gross. and alan and cynthia are gewtting it on apparently. far out mahn. and that suse chick, you know the woman from le rendez's daughter that Alistair was with, well alexia heard her saying that juanita doesnt like her anymore coz shes not with alistair..? yeah right. shes such a white girl felicity like you have no idea. just a srilankan or whatever she is version. but anyhoo... yeah then she rangme up again for like 20 mins and said she was at ryans house( probs withsheila) and yeah shes freaking me out. she even sent me this reallyweird text message. and yo uknow jennifer that esl who was the swimmerand she touched my female assets? well she texts me when im in theboarding house and she did that whole kiss me thing when I walkedpassed. Like you know when guys give you that kiss sound lip thing*?